Skill to Try: Frozen Oranges
You might be just as skeptical as I once was when I first tried frozen oranges to ease panic attacks, anxiety, or to get you grounded in the present moment.
Try keeping some oranges or clementines in the freezer. Next time you feel anxious and it feels like you are spinning out of control, reach for the oranges. Place the orange in your hands, on your neck, forehead, or chest for instant relief!
Frozen oranges have so many benefits that you may not have ever thought about, especially in helping your anxiety! Below are just a few of the reasons frozen oranges are a great item to keep around the house or at work to help ease high anxiety and panic attacks.
A Lovely Distraction from Anxiety: One of the greatest things about cold items is their knack for diverting your attention away from any panic or anxiety. The chill really grabs your focus, providing a welcome distraction from those pesky worrisome thoughts.
Cooling Down When Things Get Hot: When a panic attack strikes, your body temperature can start to climb. That's where cold items step in, helping to bring your temperature back down and creating a calming sensation that helps ease those physical symptoms of panic.
A Little Nudge to the Vagus Nerve: The vagus nerve has a big job - it helps regulate our stress response. Applying cold items like an ice pack can give this nerve a nice little stimulus, encouraging feelings of calm and taking the edge off your anxiety levels.
Grounding Technique for the Win: Holding a cold item in your hand can really help ground you. The physical sensation of the cold can pull you away from those spiraling thoughts and back into the present moment. This can be a real game-changer during a panic attack when things might feel a bit surreal.
Slowing Down the Pace: Rapid, shallow breaths are often a part of the panic attack package. Cold items, especially when applied to your face or neck, can help slow things down a bit. This can help you regain control of your breathing and start to ease those panic symptoms.
If you are in search of a therapist who specializes in eating disorders, OCD, and anxiety, please feel free to visit my website or email me to see if working together might be a good fit for you. My office is based in Salado, Texas, and I can provide virtual therapy services across the state of Texas.
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